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Save at-least 30 minutes/user/day*

The biggest time drain for CFOs is chasing information, data, and people.

QuaerisAI consolidates many of your point-solutions into a single platform: One AI driven platform for you Data Apps and Business Apps. .


*: QuaerisAI comes with unlimited user licenses

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Move your Reporting LifeCycle to AI Age

Accuracy, Timeliness and FAST - Get all three with QuaerisAI

- Template driven reports - Check!

- One click refresh of all reports - Check!

- Reports Approval & Publish workflow - Check!

- Package Reports into ReportBooks - Check!

- Schedule Reports - Check!

Completely Automated. Fully Transparent. 

Business Apps 

Payments Audit, AP Automation, AR Reconciliation, Billing App, and then some - all in one AI driven Platform

Multiple point solutions and applications increases your TCO. More vendors to deal with, more software to maintain, more training for your people, and the list goes on.

Our vision is to solve for use-cases that are analytical in nature, and could save you $$$, so QuaerisAI can pay for itself in no time. 

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Design stats-amico

Contracts, Policies or Invoices 

Get answers and extract data in minutes

Why invest 10s of thousands of dollars per year in a CLM (Contract Lifecycle Management) solution or AP automation solutions? Start with Quaeris and automate processes.

Ask Natural Language questions from 100s of files in your OneDrive or SharePoint and de-bottleneck information pipelines.

"Increase productivity by centralizing finance workflows with QuaerisAI"

Data to value in minutes

- Get instant trusted answers without constant BI support

- Save answers to personal pinboards

- AI driven Reporting life-cycle  


Business Plan-pana

Case Study: Buy a point-solution or a Platform? A fast growing marketing agency makes a wise decision!



Marketing agency grew fast by inorganic acquisitions. The CFO inherited a complex environment with five lines of businesses and no standardization of MSAs and SOWs. There was no visibility into bookings (signed SOWs) and change requests were not reflected into the bookings tracking. To get handle on contracts, they attempted implementation of a Contract Management Solution (CLM).  


CLMs systems are notoriously rigid and expect you to fit your contracts/contracting process within their rigid structure. They shelved the CLM initiative rather quickly. 

Resolution: 'Contract Tracking & Analytics' (CTA) App  

Enter QuaerisAI's 'Contract Tracking Analytics App'. CTA actually reverse engineers the process using Data Extract Agent, Workflows, with 'Human In The Loop' validating extracted data. This essentially converts 'unstructured docs' into 'analytical dataset' that can be explored using natural language Q&A. The process is run monthly on new contracts and dashboards get refreshed automatically.


Client is now adding more QuaerisAI Apps. First being the Conversational Query on their financials data and building Financial Dashboards. Coming right up is building Board reports using Intelligent Reporting App.