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Innovative Solution for Innovators & Inventors like you!



Search Documents: Accelerate with Contextual Search 

Use QuaerisAI like your personal assistant or your co-pilot. search through 1000s of documents in seconds. 

extract data from un-structured PDFs etc and get them in Excel or better still, load into QuaerisAI and ask data questions or build dashboards in minutes! 



Analytics: Talk with your Data

Ask data questions in natural language to fulfill your data-curiosity. Within seconds, find anomalies, find trends, find insights that others could take days to uncover. QuaerisAI 



Work Together: Communities 

you work in a team and with your team. QuaerisAI is designed to accelerate your work with collaboration.

never take a screenshot of your report again. never email four different filtered versions of your excel again. never lose the chart you meant to save for quarterly reports again.



Embed Your Insights

once you get to your insights, embed them, share them on your project or company intranet.

take the leap with our next-gen capabilities - discover the power of adding interactive data to tell your story.



Report: Intelligent Data Stories

every project could use a curate, immaculate pdf report to submit to executives, on an ongoing basis. QuaerisAI with its One-Click Refresh and Approval Process with bring speed to this process and ensure governance & accuracy.

Start Your Trial Today

Trusted by data-driven businesses worldwide.

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Enable everyone in your company with analytics with fast and easy-to-use insights.

You have hired data scientists and expensive BI people, but availability or quality of insights has remained stagnant. More importantly, people beyond the small users still do not have access to simple data/insights.

Migrating to another tool or more training will not help, you need a solution 'made for business users' not another tool to write better/faster SQL.

  • Cut unnecessary costs where you can
  • Get analytics out of ivory tower into the hands of all users
  • Leverage Generative AI, not people
 save on costs of licenses

Optimize your data analytics tools 

See how Quaeris can streamline your data workflows, book a personalized demo today!


"With the first use case related to Risk Analysis, we came across key data points that challenged our years old hypothesis that warranted further investigation!

We plan to extend Quaeris to our Product Development and Sales organizations as well. We definitely see leveraging Quaeris in long-term."

Pankaj Sing
Pankaj Sing

CTO of National Auto Care